
More than 100,000 LWSL readers have already committed to tackling their clutter head-on, and you can too! Simply sign up below to have our 31 daily challenges sent straight to your inbox each day for the next month:

During this one-month challenge, we will:

  • Eliminate clutter in all areas of our homes and instead create functional spaces for all our family’s many activities.
  • Stop overcommitting and instead learn to say no without guilt.
  • Reduce stress in our homes and families by clearing out the excess stuff that takes up so much of our time and energy.
  • Create practical and functional storage solutions for every room in our homes.
  • Develop a working control center that keeps our entire family organized and on track.
  • Learn the four simple strategies to staying clutter free forever.

Believe me, I know all too well how stressful it can be to have a home packed to the gills, with an overbooked schedule to match! After years of overspending caused nothing but a house full of chaos, I finally realized it was time for a massive change. I’ve started clearing my house of clutter, and this summer, you can too. Over the course of thirty-one simple but powerful daily assignments, this 31 Days to a Clutter Free Life challenge will empower and inspire all of us to clear our lives of the clutter that is filling up our homes, minds, and schedules, once and for all.

Clutter doesn’t have to control our lives, and together we can totally do this! Are you ready to finally simplify your life and free your home, mind, and schedule of the excess STUFF that is holding you back? Simply sign up today and get started tomorrow!

P.S. Not sure you want to get 31 daily emails flooding your inbox? No worries! This challenge is available in convenient Paperback or Kindle format! Whichever way you decide to join, be sure to share photos of your own progress on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using hashtag #LWSLClutterFree!
